5. Become an expert on your own sexual arousal
The best lovers I have met have always been experts on their own sexual arousal arch. They know how to speed things up, slow things down, and switch gears whenever necessary.
Do you know what kind of thoughts, fantasies, and ideas make you climax faster? Do you know exactly what kind of speed, pressure, and sensation you need to feel sexually satisfied?
If this is something you’ve never delved into, it might help you to take out a piece of paper and write out a sexual wish list of all of the things that you enjoy having done to you, or you might enjoy in the future. You can even divide your paper into three sections: ‘I know I enjoy…”, “I might enjoy…”, and “I may, in the future, want to experiment with…”. Whether you share the entirety of your list with your partner is completely up to you. The self-knowledge that comes from the exercise is the primary goal.
Three cheers for sexual self-reflection!
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