I guess you have been wondering the type of questions to ask your partner, so as to get to know he/she better. If you have, well, you have come to the right page as Samantha Ann has listed a whole lot of insightful questions that will help you get to know your lover better; be it deep or light-head questions, she’s got you covered.
Why do you need questions to ask your lover?
Before we get into the best and worst questions to ask your lover, you may be wondering why exactly it is so important to ask questions. Well, it is how you get to know someone. Even if you are only interested in the physical aspect of a relationship, knowing what someone likes and doesn’t like is vital.
And if you want to create a deeper bond showing your interest in their past, their hobbies, and even their job enhances your connection.
**Questions you don’t need to ask your lover
There are some questions to ask your lover that many people see as go to’s, but really are not necessary and are actually more likely to cause a riff than a stronger bond. So here are the questions you do not need to ask your lover.
1 How many sexual partners have you had? Asking your partner how many serious relationships they’ve had is totally fine. But asking about their sexual history is not necessary when it comes to numbers.
Instead, ask them about their sexual health. Discuss if you have both been tested recently and given the all clear. Yes, some couples don’t mind sharing their “number,” but it really is not necessary. You and your lover may have more or less experience than one another, but that shouldn’t affect how you think of them.
Knowing someone’s number can actually unintentionally create judgment and worry that could easily be avoided by focusing on your current relationship rather than the past.
2 Are you sure you still like me? Or any variety of this question is not only quite a turnoff but shows a serious lack of self-confidence. It is great to validate your feelings for one another, but that shouldn’t come from a question like this.
The fact that this person is with you says they care and are interested. Requiring constant reassurance from your lover can really turn something sweet into something sour.
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