19. Why is one bigger than the other?
This one might be a shocker but it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise, since one side of our body is generally a bit bigger and even stronger than the other side. Also, chances are the difference is so minute that only you really notice it. This is because we are over-analyze most aspects of our lives and our physical appearance is one of them. If the difference isn’t drastic (truly drastic) then it shouldn’t be something you focus on that much. The more we analyze, the worse it seems.
18. What would it be like if they were smaller? Bigger?
It’s human nature to never be satisfied with what we have. Those who have short hair want long hair, those with curly hair wish it was straight and vice versa. Well, the same applies to women and their bust size. While plastic surgeries have now been made available to either increase or decrease one’s bust size, it doesn’t mean that everyone is gung-ho about going through with the surgery. Without even taking it that far, many women simply wonder what it would be like to have the opposite of what they actually have.
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