Most restricted areas on earth: At some point or another, we’ve all been struck by curiosity. It’s human nature. Whether you’ve opened a door you weren’t supposed to, listened in on a private conversation or ignored warning signs, our inquisitiveness has at least once gotten the best of us. When we can’t understand something, it only drives our motivation to know more.
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When we’re interested by a topic, we’ll exhaust our research efforts until we know everything about it. In a world populated by seven billion people, there will always be places to discover and new information to be learned. Most of the time, we can hop on a plane and indulge our Asian curiosities, Middle Eastern fixations or interests in South America. But when we’re told that we can’t go somewhere, we fixate on the fact and drive ourselves crazy wanting to know why.
As much as we want to know everything we can, there are some aspects of the world that cannot be made available to the public in order to protect valuable information. Banks, data centers, air force bases and archives around the globe need to have security measures enforced in order to deter potential wrongdoing or thieves. It isn’t surprising to us in those cases that the average citizen doesn’t have the green light to walk in and poke around as they please. But then there are the private clubs, mysterious tunnels, historic tombs and more that fascinate us with their promise of the unknown, surely shrouded in all sorts of riveting secrets and facts. Whichever category they fall into, we’ve compiled a list of the 20 most restricted areas on Earth below that is bound to get your curious mind running wild.
20. Cheyenne Mountain Complex, United States

The Cheyenne Mountain Complex is a military installation and nuclear bunker in Colorado, located at the Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station. It houses or has at one time housed the United States Space Command, the Aerospace Defense Command, the Air Force Command and the Federal Emergency Management System. The complex is a fascinating web of buildings built 610 meters under granite that is protected from natural disasters. It boasts flexible piping systems and has its own power plant and water supply. Oh, and it can withstand a 30 megaton nuclear explosion, bombs and radiological contaminants. Good luck finding a way in.
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